The environmental education center is conceived as an exhibit landscape that curates visitors’ passage through unique ecological facilities, landscapes, and architectural structures.
The Creative Corridor retrofits a four-block segment of an endangered historic downtown Main Street through development catalyzed by the cultural arts rather than Main Street’s traditional retail base.
This plan for a legacy downtown neighborhood recovers the full spectrum of land uses to meet the daily needs of its residents at all income levels with varying mobility needs.
This project is an ecotone improvement for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant and adjacent Woolsey Wet Prairie Sanctuary, a heritage Ozark preserve.
This manual is designed for those involved in urban property development, from homeowners, to institutions, developers, designers, cities, and regional authorities.
Instead of new construction, the proposal unearths 13th century cellars and utilizes incremental developments to reunite disjointed functions within the square.
This habitat restoration and education garden for the Paul Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant and adjacent prairie restores ecological and recreational functions.
This proposal for a South Beach Museum design competition celebrates beachheading in multiple ways: politically, ecologically, urbanistically, and socially.
This study is a rediscovery of place-making fabrics throughout Arkansas enjoyed intuitively by most people rather than interpreted syntactically.