Beyond simple infill development, housing serves as a place-making tool to anchor a nascent downtown arts district for Fayetteville, AR—a college town of 73,000. The arts district master plan improves the context around the Walton Arts Center (WAC) and the Nadine Baum Studios by retrofitting the automobile-dominated environment that both facilities have produced. While the project is challenged to accommodate event parking and large-scale festivals, housing is being developed for mixed income populations, including live-work units for artists, who desire urban lifestyles. Since the city and its chamber of commerce control development for this site, the four approaches shape public policy, incentives, and expectations for developing mixed-use urban housing in a community otherwise dominated by suburban residential products. Rated from easy to ambitious, each of the four frameworks integrates new public and semi-private open space, parking, streetscapes, and multi-family housing in tandem with renovations to WAC underway, including structured parking.


2015 ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award


National Endowment for the Arts


City of Fayetteville, Arkansas

AuthorMatthew Petty